Friday, April 16, 2010

UNION, Class Giving

If you saw the cutouts (like Lindsey Perry's above) on campus
a few thursdays ago at SMU, you were witnessing the school
wide Giving Competition. Union members set up around
campus stationed at different schools. I was at Meadows
with Ms. Mackenzie the news anchor and Mr. Sam Todd
who was representing Study abroad. Each senior Union
member  gets a cutout that  states a blurb :
"When I'm not_______ I'm giving to the Union".
I've already thought about  my cutout for next year I'm
debating between two. 1) When I'm not playing indoor
 soccer at Dedman, I'm giving to the Union". OR "If I'm
not organizing luncheons for the Scholars Luncheon I'm
giving to the Union".

The purpose of the Union is to increase awareness of
"giving back" among undergrads. SMU is trying to
improve our overall rankings of how much alumni
like their school. The way University's are ranked
depends on the percent of alumni who give back
(not necessarily how much they give, but the fact
that they do give!) If we get students in the habit of
 giving while they are undergrads, they are more likely
to do it when they are alumni. We've had a 274% increase
 in 4 years (which is unreal!) See Chip's email below to find
out more details.

P.S. I designed the  stickers :)

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