Sunday, January 31, 2010

Remember when the SUPERSOAKER 2000 came out? I must have been in third grade. My best friend Ellie and I would take this sucker-I mean soaker, to the pool and go CeRAAAZZY! I want to bring these childhood toys back. WHY USE BULLETS WHEN YOU CAN USE WATER? Over winter break I was hanging out in my studio (aka the basement) which has piles and piles of junk. Mom and Dad are kinda pack rats-fine by me because I always had the coolest dress-up clothes. Authentic. Period. None of that party warehouse costume stuff. But I'd just dig through a trunk and find one of mom's old prom dresses (that she hand made). Something about hand made. Her sewing machine still sits in the basement- I sould paint that next. But the supersoaker was just lying around and I thought-why not paint this!? It's certainly sellable. (ok, so I was going to give it to this guy I liked..but that became past tense LIKED...thought I liked...he liked guns...and apparently liked his own gun a little too much, but anywho... Now it's in my room at the Pi Phi house and all the girls are like "WHAT'S THAT?" and I'm like... oh goodness didn't you have one? Apparently not. But I think this is sellable Art because what  college guy wouldn't want a shiny gun, I mean super soaker hanging above his mantle place? If anything, it's a good conversation starter. I actually exchanged cards with the owner of MOMO's Italian restaurant and he lets people put their art up on his walls to sell ...going to make a phone call tomorrow. I cranked this baby out in like 4 hours! If I sell it for $175 I think that's pretty reasonable. What do you think?

More of B.Welt's Artwork

Scholarly Things









These are nametags I had to print off for the Scholars Luncheon. DEAN BOWEN spoke about "Epistemology and Phenomenology" and proposed the question, 




I would keep the majors that we have, and keep half of the general education requirements (GEC). However, I would add a required mini-minor where you have to do an "independent study minor". Instead of a typical minor, you create your own curriculum. You can take classes in any of the schools at any level. You would have to propose to a council why these classes would work together, and after each semester continue on this analysis. A faculty advisor would help guide you through the process if you get off track. After you have completed all of the classes in this minor, you would have a capstone or final term paper that reflects on how this minor benefited your initial goal, vision, or area of interest.  

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Blue and Yellow Purple Crayons

Listen to music and scroll down

A little sketchy of Carter, the 2-year old I babysat for the first time today. 
What a trip. Not the eminem "druggy trip"...but this kid had me running 
chasing him around. This 2-yr-old was smart though. You know the baby
in Meet the Parents that made the "ass HO-O-O-LE" comment? 
Well, that's Carter. I feel like I'm talking to a little man. He understand what 
I'm saying.He even did a hand signal when he pooped his pants. Pretty 
mature stuff! He even went into his dogs cage and lay down like his dog

Now, for the connection between Carter and Eminem... obviously Carter's 
not out to kill. But, like a rapper, and for his age, he's good with his words! 
Far beyond the level of any terrible twooozer I know. He's also musically 
gifted! We were sitting in his room (he in his CARTER chair) and myself on 
the floor...he started tapping his cowboy boots on the wooden floor and 
making this sick clunking beat. It's like SUBCONSCIOUS TALENT...
we all have it, it's just a matter of recognizing it. I wonder if he feels like 
he'stripping all the time cause he's just trying to make sense of his world...
but then again, arn't we all?

Do we really need to take 'blue and yellow purple pills' to feel something,
to discover something? NO WAY JOSE! All you need is some purple 
crayons and you're worlds a playground.

Saturday, January 23, 2010

Snow Globes

Wednesday night I babysat Lauren, the  4-year-old princess. Not a princess in the sense that she is rotten or spoiled, but the good kind, the angelic, innocent little girl who embraces her girly things. She is absolutely precious and half the time asks me what I want to play. I was definitely a good little girl, but far from girly. Mom always wanted me in Talbots dresses, 

"But Mom, I can't play soccer with the boys at recess in a dress".  

Sometimes I would even bring a change of clothes. I wanted to wear Umbros and sambas like the boys. But mom wouldn't buy me black tennis shoes, they were too "boyish". The white NIKE ones with the pink swoosh weren't so bad though... they got better as I got older, more colors and such. First grade was a good year because my shoes had gel in them...and I could touch them and they would change colors...waaaay rad. Everyone was jelous. The light-ups were by far the best though. What ever  happened to those?....................................................................... I was tucking Lauren in and asked her,

"If you could dream about anything what would it be?"

"I want to dream about girly things: Hearts and pink and dolls and... and... AND RAINBOWS!"

She then reminded me to play her night time CD. I couldn't get it to work but saw a snow globe on her night stand and asked if we could play that instead. I sat there for a while starring at the snow globe while she dozed off. I got to thinking how sweet snow globes are and why I don't have one. How cool would it be to make personalized snow globes!? You could custom make whatever you want to put in it, or say dream about before you dozed off. Perhaps it could be a new medium for advertising. Life size snow globes on street corners...a push of a button and a blizzard of the hottest new shoes dazzles before you. I should probably put a patent on this...

If only my dreams were like this

OK, I get that air force One's didn't exist back in the day, but nevertheless what a TIGHT video YO. This next one always gave me a laugh in high school.

This would be a good dream too...maybe not for a 4 Year old though...