Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Blue and Yellow Purple Crayons

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A little sketchy of Carter, the 2-year old I babysat for the first time today. 
What a trip. Not the eminem "druggy trip"...but this kid had me running 
chasing him around. This 2-yr-old was smart though. You know the baby
in Meet the Parents that made the "ass HO-O-O-LE" comment? 
Well, that's Carter. I feel like I'm talking to a little man. He understand what 
I'm saying.He even did a hand signal when he pooped his pants. Pretty 
mature stuff! He even went into his dogs cage and lay down like his dog

Now, for the connection between Carter and Eminem... obviously Carter's 
not out to kill. But, like a rapper, and for his age, he's good with his words! 
Far beyond the level of any terrible twooozer I know. He's also musically 
gifted! We were sitting in his room (he in his CARTER chair) and myself on 
the floor...he started tapping his cowboy boots on the wooden floor and 
making this sick clunking beat. It's like SUBCONSCIOUS TALENT...
we all have it, it's just a matter of recognizing it. I wonder if he feels like 
he'stripping all the time cause he's just trying to make sense of his world...
but then again, arn't we all?

Do we really need to take 'blue and yellow purple pills' to feel something,
to discover something? NO WAY JOSE! All you need is some purple 
crayons and you're worlds a playground.

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