Saturday, January 23, 2010

Snow Globes

Wednesday night I babysat Lauren, the  4-year-old princess. Not a princess in the sense that she is rotten or spoiled, but the good kind, the angelic, innocent little girl who embraces her girly things. She is absolutely precious and half the time asks me what I want to play. I was definitely a good little girl, but far from girly. Mom always wanted me in Talbots dresses, 

"But Mom, I can't play soccer with the boys at recess in a dress".  

Sometimes I would even bring a change of clothes. I wanted to wear Umbros and sambas like the boys. But mom wouldn't buy me black tennis shoes, they were too "boyish". The white NIKE ones with the pink swoosh weren't so bad though... they got better as I got older, more colors and such. First grade was a good year because my shoes had gel in them...and I could touch them and they would change colors...waaaay rad. Everyone was jelous. The light-ups were by far the best though. What ever  happened to those?....................................................................... I was tucking Lauren in and asked her,

"If you could dream about anything what would it be?"

"I want to dream about girly things: Hearts and pink and dolls and... and... AND RAINBOWS!"

She then reminded me to play her night time CD. I couldn't get it to work but saw a snow globe on her night stand and asked if we could play that instead. I sat there for a while starring at the snow globe while she dozed off. I got to thinking how sweet snow globes are and why I don't have one. How cool would it be to make personalized snow globes!? You could custom make whatever you want to put in it, or say dream about before you dozed off. Perhaps it could be a new medium for advertising. Life size snow globes on street corners...a push of a button and a blizzard of the hottest new shoes dazzles before you. I should probably put a patent on this...

If only my dreams were like this

OK, I get that air force One's didn't exist back in the day, but nevertheless what a TIGHT video YO. This next one always gave me a laugh in high school.

This would be a good dream too...maybe not for a 4 Year old though...

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