Tuesday, March 2, 2010


If you've put on a lemonade stand, you've worked for yourself. You and your partner (who was most likely in pigtails) know what hard work is, and especially if you ran your business in the summer. With sweaty palms you poured the extra sugary pink lemonade for your drive-by customers. A couple quarters and you were RICH! This could buy you a couple laffy taffys at the pharmacy! A dollar, and you were a millionaire.

The documentary 'Lemonade' made me realize I want to eventually work for myself and hire my own peoples. The freedom that comes with being your own boss is attractive to me because you can multitask and be very productive with your time. In a way I already work for myself with my art business. I have my own business card, my own prices, my own studio, and my own clients. I don't have to ask my boss, "hey when is this due?"  Because I already know when the client wants their watercolor house painting and how they want their flowers to be in full boom (even if I took the picture in the dead of winter).

My dad works for himself and works out of the home. It was nice growing up and always having him around. I remember when I was reallly little when he was working for Hallmark and I'd have to wait till 6:30 or 7:00 before he walked in the door, "DADDY'S HOME!" It always seemed so late just an hour before my bedtime. But in middle school it made a world of a difference when I'd come home and be able to pop by his office.

I want that for my kids. I want little toddlers running around messing up my paints and giving me ideas for ads. I want to have my office in my home, maybe make it a west wing of the house or something... I'd not only hire copywriters and production peeps, but BABYSITTERS! Every day at work we'd have "recess" with the kids who would feed us ideas...when the bell rang, we'd go back to "real work" which would be just as much fun as playtime...that's my dream.

Advertising agency name ideas:


Antenna  (this idea derived from my mindmap)

B.Welt & Co. 

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