Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Truth in Motion

Is the movie preview advertising because it's selling the movie? I was convinced by the trailer to watch because it's always fun to hear the athlete's story. Especially in an extreme and dangerous sport like sking, you can't help but want to see the behind the scenes crashes.

Do advertisers work on movie trailers? Or is that the movie crew...I suppose they can be interchangable. What I'm really curious about is how the camera follows the skier so closely...are they skiing also? Or on a snow mobile?

Recently I've been having trouble getting to sleep at night so I watch short documentaries on HULU. This one is a top pick because there is some sick footage of the skiers going on their fastest runs (which are some of the fastest runs in the world).  When watching the Olympics you obviously know they are going fast, but I feel like the camera work is a lot better on the documentary (most likely because it's not "live" like the Olympics).

Below is the entire documentary if you have an hour to spare...it's worth it.

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